Minggu, 05 Oktober 2014

[Tempat Promo Ragnarok Private Server] Come and Join us !!!

Darlight Ragnarok
Darlight Ragnarok 6 Oktober 12:24
Come and Join us !!!
Freshly Opened ... (06 October)
Proudly Present =
DarkLight Ragnarok Online
Why Us ???
1. No Donate server ( We build RO for Player, not for "MONEY" )
2. No Corrupt GM ( Once again , MONEY IS NOT EVERYTHING )
3. No Overpowerth Equip ( We rebalanced all )
4. Monthly Big Event ( Will inform after you join us :D )
5. Interactive GM ( We give you our contact number )
6. Extra Reward ?? be our 100 player
7. BUG ?? Just tell GM, in 10 minute will be fixed
8. Wanna be our staff / Sub-GM ? Yes you can... just Prove us that you are worth enough to be our staff
9. We Proud for DARKLIGHT RO.
10. Join us and you will know how Qualify we are !!

|| System : Faction System with Race(RAS) ||
Basic Information:
Base Rate: Customize
Base level: 150
Job level: 100 (Trans 2nd job : assassin cross, Lord knight, CHampion)
Max Stats: 350
ASPD: 190
Instant Cast: 150
Refine: +100 (CUSTOM EQUIP)
Status Point Exchanger System (WITH EXPERIENCE POINT)
Friendly GM, and Friendly Player
Drop Rate:
Mvp card Drop Rate: 1%
Normal Card: 10%
Equip Drop: 20%
Misc. Drop: 50%
Features in Game

1. Exp. Exchanger
ketika player mencapai level 150. dengan otomatis player dapat menjalankan quest Experience Exchanger.
disini player dapat mengubah EXP untuk mendapatkan Status Point.

2. Dark & Light Alliance
Setiap player yang mencapai level 150, di wajibkan memilih salah satu alliance, antara Dark & Light.
Setiap alliance memiliki beberap race yang mempunya wujid dan kemampuan khusus yang berbeda.
dan setiap minggunya akan ada event Alliance VS Alliance yang di rancang khusus untuk Darklight RO.

3. Full Custom In-game
DarkLight merupakan server dengan concept full custom. mulai dari monster, mvp, map, card, & etc.
kami sangat terbuka bagi player yang memiliki saran, baik atau buruk akan sangat membantu meciptakan komunitas yang menarik

4. Leader & Vote
ini adalah titik dimana para player mempunya HAK yang sama layaknya se-orang GM.
akan ada beberapa Leader baik di Dark ataupun Light Alliance.
vote yang menyangkut perkembangan Darklight RO akan selalu di diskusikan ke pihak Leader.

@commands for players:
Custom NPC List :
- NPC Job Master
- NPC Status and Skill Reseter
- NPC Quest Headgear
- NPC Buffer, One Click Repair, Identifier
- NPC Warper
- NPC PvP Warper
- NPC Tool Dealer
- NPC Stylist
- NPC Card Remover
- NPC Mall Warper
- NPC Refiner +100
- NPC Status Point Exchanger
- Custom Dungeon Warper
- NPC Daily Event
- NPC Daily Reward
- NPC Alliance / Ras
- NPC Guild Ranking / PVP Ranking / MVP Ranking
- And many more

Website Link :

Register Link :

Download Link :

Page Link :
DARKLIGHT RO :: [Index] ::
Control Panel Designed by Starsgames

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