Senin, 30 Maret 2015

[Tempat Promo Ragnarok Private Server] Welcome To XeRo Ragnarok Private server

Angga 31 Maret 8:59
Welcome To XeRo Ragnarok Private server

XeRO is a free customized low rate private Ragnarok Online server originally released in 2007 it has been offline for some time but now it is back

Its a pre-renewal server with hundreds of custom items , pets , and hairstyles there is hundreds of events held by GMs every month

= Balanced Server =

Main Town : Louyang

Server rates: 5%/5%

Normal/MVP Card: 10%/5%

Drops: 17%/5%

Max level: 99/70

Stats: 99 Aspd: 193

= Npc List =

NPC Warper
NPC Healer
NPC Linda [Free Item]
NPC Job Changer
NPC Reset Girl
NPC Stylist
NPC Platinum Skill
NPC Universal Rental
NPC Wise Old Woman
NPC Headgear Quest
NPC Branch Quest
And More Etc

= WoE Schedule =

Monday 7:00-9:00
Wednesday 7:00-9:00
Friday 7:00-9:00
Sunday 7:00-9:00

= Freebies =

Andre Card 3x
Pupa Card 1x
Raydric Card 1x
Headgear Quest 1x

You can choose one of headgear

Website :

Register :

Fanspage :…/Xero-private-ragnarok-online-server/310286672394868

Forum :

= Downloads Lite Client - Kro Full Client =

Mediafire :

From :

More links will be added soon make
sure you run your autopatchers to prevent any errors

= In Games Rules =

Botting Not Allows

Speeder Not Allows

Hacking Not Allows

Spamming Skill Not Allows

= Lets Play And Join We In XeRo RAGNAROK =

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